Envisioning Equality: Focusing On Solutions

On LinkedIn recently, Mission Equality co-founder Lea Jovy posted the following: 

“Tell me…how, specifically, are you dismantling systems of oppression? 

Because if it doesn’t begin with conversations about alternatives - a daily topic of conversation here at Mission Equality CIC - what do you think you’re going to replace the existing systems with as you dismantle/once you’ve dismantled them?”

That led to this video on envisioning equality:

Envisioning Equality: Focusing On Solutions - Video Transcript

At Mission Equality we don’t just talk about what’s wrong with the world; we also discuss possible ways to fix it, to come up with solutions. 

These are conversations we’ve had since the company launched. In fact, since our team of Guardians worked together at a previous startup, we’ve actually been having those conversations for more than four years. 

We’ve talked about what equality looks like in our own company, in other companies, in different fields. We’ve come up with frameworks, and we’ve looked at how others can use them to create their own visions of equality. And we’ve talked about how to take practical action to do business and leadership differently.

Importantly, we’re not wedded to a single way of doing things. What we ARE passionate about is continuing to ask the right questions,  to consider the what ifs, so that we can contribute to equality for all, in all areas of our lives. 

Want to learn more? We’ve laid out a three-step process for creating equality on our website - check it out!

How are you working towards equality in your circles of influence?


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